Join Us In Celebrating Champions of Maternal Health

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Join Us In Celebrating Champions of Maternal Health image


raised towards $60,000 goal




Days Left


Become a sponsor today!

We're working to put an end to the maternal health crisis.

The M.O.Mbassador Awards is our signature fundraising event in which you will experience entertainment, gourmet cuisine, signature cocktails, auctions, engaging activities, and our highly regarded MOMbassador Awards Ceremony. A MOMbassador is a remarkable individual who has demonstrated inclusive, equitable, innovative, and compassionate support of our moms as they navigate 3 key maternal stages: pregnancy, postpartum, and compassion (experience of the loss of a child or significant loved one).

Funds raised go toward programming and services for Coco Moms (and families). These services include parenting, birth, and postpartum education workshops. Access to our community baby showers and Bump Boutique (infant care items and new and gently used clothes for mom and baby). Doula services, mental health sessions, and compassion support for moms who have experienced the loss of a child or significant loved one. Funding also allows us to provide financial aid to aspiring birth workers wanting to become doulas, lactation consultants, and mental health professionals.

To support via check please contact us. For detailed sponsorship information, you can download our sponsorship deck here.